Power Raspberry Pi by Portable Chargers

I want to try make a remote control car by Raspberry Pi. The first question is how to power a portable Raspberry Pi? There are lot of solutions in internet. I want to find a simple, cheap and long battery life solution. Some articles introduced power bank but it overs $100 and only provides 5v output. I need some thing can provide not only 5v power for Raspberry Pi, but also more than 7v for L298N.

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vRealize Operations Management Pack for Cisco UCS Review

Cisco UCS blade system is the best blade system I used so far. Whatever the hardware, software or support is perfect. I recommend leverage the system for primary system of virtualization. UCS blade system architecture is different with HP. I feel it more likes a network system. Fabric Interconnect (FI) modules exchange data between uplinks and internal components. IOMs on each chassis controls data routing. Architecture is complicate, but it’s powerful to manage large datacenter. Talking about large datacenter, you may have hundred chassis or blades. Data goes through FIs, IOMs and blades, you could see issues on any layer. It’s hard to find out where exactly the problem is. UCS Manager provides statistics for ports just like how Cisco does on network switches. You can show statistics of a particular port. But it doesn’t tell you when and which layer it happened. I tested Cisco UCS adapter for vRealize Operation Manager before I reviewed NetApp adapter for vRealize Operation Manager. It’s developed by same company Blue Medora. I’d like to introduce few of this product, it’s just my personal review.

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vRealize Operations Manager 6之Cisco UCS性能监控组件介绍

思科UCS刀片系列是我至今用过最好的刀片系统。无论是硬件、软件还是技术支持都堪称完美。个人推荐在大型虚拟化机房里把思科UCS作为主要设备。思科UCS刀片系统的架构和惠普的完全不同,感觉更像是个网络设备。Fabric Interconnect (FI)模块负责上联口和内部各组件之间的数据交换、IOM负责各刀箱数据路由。架构看起来很复杂,但是在管理大型数据中心时非常强大。说到大型数据中心,比如有 上百个刀箱和刀片服务器,数据要经过FI、IOM、刀片等,问题可能发生在任何层面,大型虚拟化数据中心很难找到问题的根源。UCS Manager有提供类似思科网络交换机一样的计数器功能,可以显示每一个端口的计数情况,但是这个监控工具不会告诉你什么时间、在哪个层面发生了问题 。在测试NetApp存储性能监控组件之前我有幸测试了vRealize Operations Manager 6的Cisco UCS性能监控组件。该组建同样由Blue Medora开发。以下简单介绍一下,只是我的个人观点 。

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